Is Your Office Unsafe?
It may not sound like a problem but it is. In fact, it has the power to bring everything to a dead stop. Idea-itis. Here’s what happens. You get up in the morning and go to your office. You sit at...
View ArticleStop Working In Your Business
My client and I were talking about a challenge that she has been having around growing her business. She is an accountant and is often under tight deadlines. On top of the “deadline” work there is...
View ArticleFive Steps to Get the Most From Business Networking Events
The cool thing about having your own business is that you get to do whatever you want. You can create a new program if you want. You decide who you will work with and what services you will offer...
View ArticleFive Steps to Tell People What You do to Increase Revenue
I got a hug from the person checking my luggage in for a flight. My bag was 3 pounds overweight. I was given two choices. I could remove a few things or pay $75. I had a few copies of my book, Chaos...
View ArticleThe Key to Business Success: Be True to Your Message
I couldn’t believe it. It must have been a set up. A really bad joke and I was the victim. I was facing down a freight train and I was losing. I was being humiliated. Worse still… it was a public...
View ArticleWhat’s your vision of yourself?
You might not think that your vision of yourself plays a role in what you charge clients and your value but it does. A client of mine shared with me that one of her goals, her vision of herself,...
View ArticleStretch Beyond Your Comfort Zone to Achieve Your Business Goals
It’s great when you have something to do, you know the goal, identify the steps you need to take and just do them. It’s done, no big deal. You’ve reached your goal AND the task was in your comfort...
View ArticleVIDEO: I Made it Public
Goal setting publicly helps you commit to them and improves your chances of realizing the goals you’ve set for yourself. Make them known to others. Stating goals publicly helps you commit to them....
View ArticleStart With Your Goal In Mind to Maximize Business Success
I was at a new restaurant. They handed me a menu. I opened it and the first thing listed was dessert. I knew it was going to be a fabulous meal. My husband laughs at me because I always look at a menu...
View ArticleWhy I am disappointed in myself
I shot a video for you this week, about productivity coaching. In it I talked about how humbled I was after my morning run. Don’t bother scrolling down to view it. There is no video here, just an image...
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